My husband and I have been training with Barbara since fall 2012. We are well into our Medicare years. Working with Barbara definitely improves our lives, and enables us to better engage in our daily and recreational activities. Her individually planned workouts address various areas, including cardio, strength, balance, and endurance. If we have an ache or pain, she either steers clear of anything that would exacerbate the condition or engages us in exercises to help relieve it. Many of our workouts include functional movement training to help improve execution of everyday tasks. My husband had hip replacement surgery. Working with Barbara in the months prior really helped improve his recovery. Barbara’s training has allowed us to enjoy hiking with our children. We have joined our family on trips to several national parks. Being able to hike more of the trails increased our enjoyment of the parks as well as the time with our children and grandchildren. Barbara stepped up our routine prior to a recent trip to the Grand Canyon. With her training, we better enjoyed our visit there, keeping pace (almost) with our grandkids! Barbara helps us train for daily life and gets us in top shape for our special events.


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901 W Main St, Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 845-9400

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